Posted on 14 March 2023

Do alarms actually deter burglars?

According to research, yes! Studies have shown that roughly 60% of burglars looking to target a building would in fact be deterred by an intruder alarm system, and most burglars agree that hearing an actual alarm would be enough for them to leave a home immediately. The more security equipment installed within a building, whether it is domestic or residential, the less likely it is to get burgled. Burglar or intruder alarms are designed to deter, and then if the system allows, alert the appropriate personnel. Wikipedia defines security systems here.

Are alarms the best option?

A working alarm system is imperative to reduce the risk of your home being burgled and contents stolen, and burglar alarms should be considered essential for protecting property and valued possessions.

To ensure people are aware that you have an alarm on your property, you should have at least one alarm bell box on the most visible area of your property, however, it is recommended that you have one on the front of the property, and one at the rear. These boxes should be installed high up, to make it impossible for potential burglars to access and tamper with them.

When do burglars most commonly try to break in?

In the UK, 61% of burglaries occur between 6pm and 6am. The most common hours are between 6pm to midnight, which is when 30% of all residential burglaries happen.

An overwhelming majority of burglars enter homes through windows and doors, in fact, 34% will walk straight through your front door, 23% use a first-floor window, 22% come through the back door and 9% come through the garage. This is why it is imperative that you have sensors installed on doors and windows, to ensure when the alarm is set, any unauthorised entry is detected straight away.

house alarm boxWhat are the different types of alarm systems?

Audible Burglar alarms

These are the most common type of system installed in domestic homes and small to medium-sized business premises. These systems include a weatherproof bell box on the front of the building with an alarm and strobe light to alert you and your neighbours.

Auto-dialler systems

Will not only alert via an audible alarm and strobe light, but also call a pre-programmed number with a pre-recorded message. This can alert the keyholder, who can then choose whether or not they want to investigate the situation.

Fully monitored systems

Will alert a monitoring centre, who will then confirm whether the alarm is false or contact the police. This is usually combined with a CCTV system, to add an extra layer or security.

How often should your alarm system be serviced?

Your alarm system should be serviced at least once a year by a professional, or every 6 months for higher valued properties. An engineer will come out and run tests to ensure that all the sensors are working correctly and look for, locate, and fix any possible faults within the system. If you done have your maintenances, it can lead to small faults and issues going unnoticed and cause a larger issue in the future.