Guard dogs – Everything you need to know!
What are Guard dogs?
Guard dogs are used for surveillance over an area and protect property from unwanted visitors, including intruders or other animals. They can often be confused with attack dogs, however, guard dogs are strained to deter thieves without alert, but attack dogs are trained to attack or kill on command.
Dogs are one of the most effective forms of home security because of their advanced training and being able to detect intruders immediately, and 65% of convicted people have said that a large intimidating-looking dog would have scared them away.
Guard dogs are typically larger dogs, with a lot of muscle. They rely heavily on an intimidating presence and a powerful bark to deter intruders.
What are some benefits of having a guard dog?
Guard dogs can be a much more personable choice of security alarm or alert, and they also provide health benefits to their owners such as:
- Loyalty
- Motivation
- They relieve a sense of stress.
- They provide companionship.
- They have quick reactions.
What are the different types of Guard dogs?
Some popular breeds of guard dogs are:
- German Shephard
- Rottweiler
- Doberman
- Boxer
- Cane Corso
- Great Dane
- Staffordshire Bull Terrier
- Bullmastiff
- Belgian Shephard
Guard dogs tend to be averse to strangers, territorial, protective, dominant and loyal. There are 4 different types of guard dogs: property guard dogs, personal protection dogs, livestock guard dogs and Military guard dogs.
Property Guard Dogs
Property guard dogs, more commonly known as ‘watch dogs’ are trained to alert their owners anytime an unfamiliar person or animal is spotted on the premises. This type of guard dog does not physically harm intruders but instead gives verbal warnings, such as snarls. Since they are not trained to harm, property dogs make excellent additions to families.
Personal Protection Dogs
Personal protection dogs are trained to attack intruders; however, this behaviour is not an instinct for them. They often work in many different situations, as they tend to go everywhere with their owner. Typically, they have better hearing than their owners, which allows them to be much more aware of their environment, and able to detect any source of harm a lot sooner. Personal protection dogs are much more independent, and therefore don’t always make great family dogs.
Livestock Guard Dogs
Livestock guard dogs are trained to do all of the things that both property and personal protection guard dogs are, however, these breeds are highly alert, attentive and intelligent. They are often found in more rural areas, as they thrive off the ability to roam freely, and don’t adapt well to a more urban lifestyle.
Military Guard Dogs
Military guard dogs are trained to charge and pin down any possible threat on command. They are usually much heavier breeds so they have more power against the target. They are often nicknamed ‘war dogs’ as they are required to be 20 inches tall at the shoulders, and can’t be any older than five years old. They are also trained to not be startled by loud noises, which is why they are perfect in a military environment. Military guard dogs have an excellent sense of smell and can detect harmful gasses and ammunition easily.